A Blessing to Belong (considering church membership)

As we start a new year and once again have had nominations for the Board of Deacons in preparation for our Annual Business Meeting (on March 25 @ 6:00, by the way), I wanted to take a moment to remind you why participating in church life as a member is a great thing to do.

In short, becoming a member gives us a chance to be accountable to one another in the body of Christ. We get to declare that we belong to a body of believers and we are committed to helping each other and serving together for the Kingdom. We know from 1 Corinthians 12 that we are meant to be members of the church body together. This takes submission to our head, Christ, and a heart to serve each other. Through membership we also declare our investment in the local church as well as the universal Church. 

If this is a new idea for you to consider, here are a couple of articles about church membership that you might find helpful:

Membership Matters: 3 Reasons for Church Membership

6 Reasons Why Membership Matters

And if you want to consider becoming a member of Freedom in Christ Church, I would love to have that conversation with you. Here is a link to the Membership Application Package so that you can look it over.

I'm looking forward to Sunday when Bjorn takes us through the final verses of Isaiah 43 and we again look at the promise of the presence of God.

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday...

Sacred Word: Forgotten

So many great promises have been lined up for us in Isaiah 43, not to mention the reminders of what God's people had seen and experienced in the past. You would think that anyone who saw God move so powerfully would be completely sold out! You might imagine them saying, "I will never forget," "I will never turn aside," or "You are the One True God." When I read scripture I often wonder how God's people could be so blind. It's like they saw God's power, rejoiced, and then moved on with what they were doing before. Unimaginable. Until I examine my own life and the human condition. How does God put up with it? On Sunday I want to talk about God's response to our unfaithfulness. See you then. 

- Bjorn

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.


Take the Light (and spread it around)


I was looking at the Weather Network as I was writing this just to see what we are looking forward to over the next couple of days. What I see out of my office window confirms the forecast: 1 hour of sunshine today, 1 hour tomorrow. Oh, but wait...we get 3 hours on Friday. Happy dark and dreary January!

Spiritually speaking, our world has almost gotten used to permanently living under these conditions. If there is a glimmer of light, then it is fleeting and short-lived. We then, who carry the Light of the World, get to take that light into dark corners to give light and hope to those living in darkness.

A while ago I attended a Christian concert at a secular establishment. Naturally, at least 90% in attendance were bringing the Light of the World with them. The potential influence on bar staff, security staff, coat check attendants, and merchandise workers was astounding. That much light in an otherwise dark place should have changed the very atmosphere we were in. However, as I watched, it seemed like we simply joined what was already there rather than making it new.

I know all that sounds really philosophical, but let me put it this way: Our Father makes everything new and brings refreshment to everything He touches. As His kids, this becomes our mandate, "I want to be just like my Dad."

The new year brings about a bit of change for our youth program. We have been talking to the Williamsburg Community Association in hopes that our youth group can find ways to join them in what they are doing. The idea is to take the light that we have and spread it around. So, instead of simply learning to become like Jesus in a church setting, we will also get to practice being like Him to those who don't know Him.

Pray for us, as we take on this new challenge. I anticipate new growth in our students and leaders. I am also believing that this step will help our community cross the bridge that Pastor Tracy has been talking about. Most importantly, I am believing that the lost will find the Light that shines in the darkness.

My prayer is that you will join us in embracing the NEW THING that God is doing in and around you.


This Sunday...

Sacred Word: Rivers in the Wasteland 

As we continue to go through Isaiah 43, we'll be talking about our creative God. Even though the Israelites had pride and found identity in what God had done for them in their history, He wasn't willing to simply hit repeat. His love for us continues to move us on in new and beautiful ways, even if we are in a desert. I'm looking forward to digging into verses 14-21 with you on Sunday! 

- Pastor Tracy

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.

The Evidence (it's you)

As I was studying for my message this Sunday, one of the commentaries made a pointed statement that has stuck with me for the past few weeks. The scene that Isaiah 43 sets up has a courtroom feeling and questions are being asked to give evidence of the faithfulness of God. And God's response to the questions is the point that has stuck with me. While many things point to who God is, when it comes to our testimony giving evidence for God isn't something we have to do, it's something that we are. Our very lives, being transformed, are evidence for Jesus. That's amazing and sobering. 

I invite you to consider your day today and what evidence your life gives for the transforming power of Christ. It's a great question to ask today, tomorrow and always. How does His faithfulness and grace show up in your ordinary moments? 

I'd also encourage you to read Isaiah 43 this week and meditate on it as we continue with our series. Focus on the promise of His presence in our lives. It's amazing!

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy


This Sunday...

Sacred Word: Signed, Sealed, Delivered

As we continue to walk step by step through Isaiah 43, we find even more incredible promises. We are His. We are safe with Him. We ourselves are the evidence of God's faithfulness. I'm looking forward to walking through these assurances with you on Sunday morning. - P. Tracy

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.

A Response (Canada Summer Jobs Grants)

On Sunday, I took a moment to let you know about a situation that we are currently facing because of the policy changes to the Canada Summer Jobs Program. As a church, we have historically received 4 or 5 grants each summer which significantly offset the cost of running our Malcolm's Day Camps. By keeping our costs low we are able to serve more families in our community and give them a fun, safe and caring environment for their children. Because we are not able to attest to or affirm the positions that the government is asking us to, we will be ineligible for these grants this summer.

Additionally, and more importantly than amount of grant money could be, we believe that these changes to the grant program violate our guaranteed freedoms of religion, thought, beliefs, opinion and associates offered by Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

You'll know that at Freedom we intentionally keep politics away from the pulpit. It is not my intention to tell you what to believe or agree with. At the same time, I know that many of you are concerned about this new policy and want to help in some way. I also want you to know that the staff and I are engaging with our MP and others in order to share how these changes will effect us now and going forward. 

If you would like to learn more and find out how to get involved, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada has put together information and resources for churches. I urge you to follow this link and make sure you are in-the-know. Our denomination, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, is in full support of the EFC's resources and actions and are actively engaged in dialogue on this issue.

Together, let's take wise and gracious action as needed and unite in prayer for the religious freedoms we have known in our country. 

In Christ,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday...

Sacred Word: Not If, But When

In the month of January our series is called "Sacred Word: The Promise of the Presence". We will be walking through a beautiful passage of scripture - Isaiah 43 - and spending time with the incredible promises we find. This week, Bjorn will be looking at the first five verses and talking about what happens when (not if) we go through trouble or hardship. 

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.


All Things New (Happy New Year!)

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This time of the year carries the expectation of reflection and I really love that. The days go by so fast that it's always a struggle to take time out to assess our goals and the big picture of our lives. It's built into this season and I always look forward to it.

As I reflect back over 2017, here are some of the things on my heart... a whole bunch of things that we can be thankful for as a church:

  • P. Del and Arlene led us so well and modelled Christ in every part of their lives. It was our privilege to be the church who celebrated their ministry and were able to thank them on behalf of 37+ years of people they have impacted.
  • Our staff, who were all brought onto the team after years of showing excellence in lay ministry. They each took on a new challenge and grace and passion. 
  • Miss Margaret remained a consistent, godly presence in our kids' lives and gave great leadership to her ministries even as many things changed around her.
  • Our board continues to be a picture of prayerful and gracious leadership. We are so blessed.
  • A congregation of people who genuinely like each other and care about each others needs. 

These are the people that I got to link arms with every day in 2017. You are a gift to me and to the rest of your church family. We know we won't ever be perfect in this life but I am confident of our ability to advance the Kingdom of God in Kitchener as the Lord enables us. It is my honour and joy to be your Lead Pastor. 

Grateful for this year and anticipating a beautiful 2018,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday...

All Things New

"The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." Lamentations 3:22-23

As has become our tradition, our speaking team will take some time to reflect on 2017 and then look into what we're anticipating for 2018. It's always lots of fun and hopefully sparks some reflection for you as well. But, of course, that's not all we have going on... because it's 5th Sunday!

New Year's Eve AM - 5th Sunday Service @ 10:00 w/ Baptisms (yeah!)
New Year's Eve PM - Appetizer Potluck & Board Games - 4:00-6:00pm

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.

Expectation ('tis the season)

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As I put the finishing touches on my messages for Sunday morning and evening (Christmas Eve!), a theme keeps emerging... expectation. We've talked about Advent as a season for hope and expectation, anticipating the arrival of Christ and celebrating His birth. But now that we're so close to Christmas Day, what are you expecting? 

Some of us are excited about traditions or that special dish that Great Aunt Bertha makes. Some of us are excited for it to be over and have a couple of days to unwind after a busy season. But let me remind you, just one more time before Christmas, to set your hope in Christ. Expect to see Him in a new way this season. Expect for His love to capture your heart again. Expect to stand amazed in awe and wonder at the miracle of the Incarnation. 

I invite you to join in with the best tradition that our family has. On Christmas morning, before the presents are opened, we read Luke 2:1-20 and pause to thank God for the year behind us, seek Him for the year ahead and centre our hearts on the reason for the day. My family has done this since, well, always. So, I promise that even small children will not explode from the anticipation. Really. 

As you centre your celebration on Christ, I am praying that you will be completely full of joy!

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

PS - Would you like to be baptized on December 31st? It's not too late... Click here.

This Sunday...

Come to Worship

Church is going to be alive with excitement on Sunday! For our final message of this series, I'm going to wrap it up with a part of the Christmas story that we don't hear very often. King Herod, the Priests and the Magi all have a very different response to the coming of the King of the Jews and there are some lessons and reminders in Matthew 2 for us as well.

And coming up, here are the exciting things happening in church life:

  • Christmas Eve AM - Service @ 10:00
  • Christmas Eve PM - Special Services @ 4:00 and 6:00
  • New Year's Eve AM - 5th Sunday Service @ 10:00 w/ Baptisms
  • New Year's Eve PM - Appetizer Potluck & Board Games - 4:00-6:00pm

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.

Divine Light of the World (when all other lights go out)

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"Jesus is the divine Light of the world, because he brings a new life to replace our spiritual deadness, because he shows us the truth that heals our spiritual blindness , and because he is the beauty that breaks our addictions to money, sex and power. As Wonderful Counselor he walks with us even into and through the shadow of death (Matthew 4:16), where no other companion can go. He is a Light for us when all other lights go out." - Hidden Christmas, Timothy Keller

There are two things coming up in church life that are very specific to knowing, understanding and celebrating that Jesus is the Light of the world. The first is lighting candles on Christmas Eve. This simple act is one that so many people look forward to as part of their traditions and celebrations. When we pause for a moment during our services, light candles and take stock of the power that they have to illuminate the room, it's memorable to say the least. What does it mean to know the One who shines through the darkness all around us and in our own hearts? It's life transforming! 

The second is water baptism. "He brings new life to replace our spiritual deadness." As I'm writing this there are already four people who have asked to be baptized in water during the service on New Year's Eve. Baptism declares to the world that you have seen the great Light (Isaiah 9:2) and that you have chosen to walk in Him and with Him, leaving behind the old life of darkness. I am so excited to celebrate as a church with those who are getting baptized... indoors... in a slightly unconventional way. (You'll see!)

Everywhere you go this season you will see people using light to celebrate. We light trees and houses and street lights and parks. We use light to make things beautiful and meaningful. So as we come to these significant times as a church in the next few weeks, let's let our hearts be drawn to the reason for it all, the divine Light of the world.

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

PS - Would you like to be baptized on December 31st? It's not too late... Click here.

This Sunday...

Come to Worship: Bow Your Knees

Matthew paints a picture for us of dignitaries bowing before a child. Bowing is not exactly a normal thing to do in our culture, so it may be hard for us to understand. Imagine bowing to that 2-year-old kid that you know. Feels wrong, doesn't it? What is it about us that is fundamentally unyielding? Is this low posture a reasonable response to what we find in the manger? Join us on Sunday. Come and Worship.

- Bjorn

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.

The Magnificat (a moment of pause in the rush)

There is a beautiful passage of scripture that is embedded in the Christmas story that is traditionally referred to as the Magnificat. Magnificat anima mea Dominum is Latin for the first phrase Mary's song that we find in Luke 1:46-55 - "My soul magnifies the Lord." I always find it so beautiful because even though Mary was young and had been asked to do something very difficult, she was overwhelmed by the goodness of God and trusted Him so completely. The Magnificat always reminds me that even if the world around us doesn't see how God is moving, those who are open and listening will not only recognize Him, they will be amazed at how He unfolds His plan.

As we continue to journey toward December 25th with the anticipation and expectation of Christmas in our hearts, I want to invite you to take some time to meditate on Mary's song of worship. Consider all of the longing and waiting of the Jewish people as they looked for their promised Messiah and ask yourself how much your heart longs to see the Lord, today and when He returns. Listen for how He fulfills His promises and be reminded that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

Looking forward to coming to worship with you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

LUKE 1:46-55 (from The Message paraphrase)

Mary said,
"I'm bursting with God-news; I'm dancing the song of my Savior God.
God took one good look at me, and look what happened -
I'm the most fortunate woman on earth!
What God has done for me will never be forgotten,
the God whose very name is holy, set apart from all others.
His mercy flows in wave after wave on those who are in awe before him.
He bared his arm and showed his strength, scattered the bluffing braggarts.
He knocked tyrants off their high horses, pulled victims out of the mud.
The starving poor sat down to a banquet; the callous rich were left out in the cold.
He embraced his chosen child, Israel; he remembered and piled on the mercies, piled them high.
It's exactly what he promised, beginning with Abraham and right up to now."

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This Sunday...

Come to Worship: Pour Out Your Heart

Erin is continuing our series by reminding us that worship is expression of our hearts. God is our safe place in every season and every circumstances. We're going to take some time to remember His faithfulness in the past and that He can be trusted with our future.

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.

A Practical Way to Say "Merry Christmas" (this one is about underwear and socks!)

In December, we want to get really practical. I mean really practical. We want to share the hope, joy, love and peace of Christmas with our community in a way that meets an honest need in our city. Erin had a conversation with Ray of Hope several weeks ago to find out how our church could bless those that they help each day. I'm excited about responding to this need! I can't wait for the Ray of Hope Christmas tree in our lobby to be overflowing! I'll let Erin tell you about it. I'm going to add a few things to my shopping list. :)

- Pastor Tracy

Sometimes sharing our faith and reaching our communities comes in the form of meeting the needs of others. 

The always-practical book of James reminds us that we are to be not only people of words but people of action. James 2:14-17 says, 

"What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don't show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, 'Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well' - but then you don't give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless."

This month we are going to be people of action by collecting new men's socks and underwear for Ray of Hope. It is such a simple thing but it carries a huge impact.

When I contacted Ray of Hope to see if there was a need we could meet the answer was immediate - men's underwear. But there was hesitation in the woman's voice and she said, "I know some people might not be comfortable collecting men's underwear." My immediate response was that Freedom Church is full of practical people that are happy to meet the needs of others in practical ways!

Our Christmas tree in the lobby has been decorated with socks and underwear. We invite you to bring in a donation of these items any time during the month of December and put underneath the tree! Let's follow the instructions in the book of James and put our faith into action by meeting practical needs!

Erin Jamieson
Community Ministries Director

PS - Ray of Hope has requested socks and underwear for MEN ONLY. 


Here are some places you can find men's socks and underwear on sale this week:

Giant Tiger ($10/3-Pack of Boxer Briefs)
Walmart (always a great prices on these items)

This Sunday...

Come to Worship: Bring Your Gifts

This week we're going back to Matthew's gospel account of the Incarnation to find other ways that worship is central to the Christmas story. Of course, when we think of the nativity and gifts our minds immediately think of the Wisemen with their gold, frankincense and myrrh. How about us? Even as you cross items off of your Christmas list, we're going back 2000 years to talk about how worship instructs our giving. I'm looking forward to Sunday!

- Pastor Tracy

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.

An Invitation for Invitation (our celebration of Advent begins!)

- Erin Jamieson, Community Ministries Director

- Erin Jamieson, Community Ministries Director

This Sunday...

Come to Worship: Lift Your Hands

Sunday marks the beginning of our celebration of Advent, a season of expectation and anticipation. We're going to take the time to look back at the first Christmas and talk about how the miracle of the Incarnation brought a common response: worship. From ordinary people to the heavenly host, worship is what happens when the mystery and beauty of Christmas are revealed. 

We're going to look at our own worship response to the coming of Jesus as we celebrate Advent together. I'm looking forward to every Sunday of this series! 

Pastor Tracy

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A Case for Christ (and other resources for learning about our faith)

As Bjorn was speaking on Sunday, he mentioned that there are lots of excellent resources available for us to be able to explore the evidence related to our faith. Have you ever had the chance to do some extra-curricular studying on Christianity and other world religions? Or been able to take some time to learn the answers to some of the most-asked questions about believing in Jesus? There's no time like the present! 

I want to encourage you to take to heart Paul's advice to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:15: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." Even as we put our faith in Christ alone, there are so many great things we can do and study to deepen and mature that faith so that we can be more effective in our lives and ministries. 

If you're ready to take up the challenge, Bjorn and I have put together some resources for you as a starting place. Once you read them, drop us an email and let us know what you thought about them and how they helped you!


The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus
Lee Strobel (Available on Amazon and Chapters)

Jesus Among Other Gods
Ravi Zacharias (Available on Amazon and Chapters)

Evidence that Demands a Verdict
Josh McDowell (Available on Amazon and Chapters)

Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis (Available on Amazon and Chapters)

Some of these are available as audio books and a couple are available to borrow from our local library (Kitchener Public Library). And hey, maybe you have a copy of one of these books that you'd be willing to lend to someone else in our church family. Let us know and we'll try and get some resources shared among us.

I am praying for you as you apply yourself to "correctly handling the word of truth." No matter where you are on your spiritual journey or how long (or short) you've known Christ, let's all take another step in Him!

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

God is Jealous? (and what that says about how much He loves us)

On Sunday, we heard it mentioned that God is jealous for our hearts. We wanted to take a moment to unpack that idea in our devotional this week.

Jealousy is not a revered characteristic. I am not sure that is ever has been. It has the undertones of envy (wanting something that belongs to someone else), which is actually a sin. We get the picture of a person who is angry and controlling.

So, how is the truth that God is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5) a positive thing? We talk about it as though it is a reminder of God's great love for us, but it can sound possessive, even oppressive. How can we understand this?

We have to be aware of Who we are talking about. God is not like us. (1 Samuel 2:2) There is no sin, nothing but "goodness" in Him. God has standards for us, but He has no standard outside Himself; He is the standard. For example, we are encouraged to be humble. God has no need to be humble - He is God!

Also, associating God's jealousy with envy doesn't work either. Remember that envy is the desire for something that does not belong to you. However, we do, legitimately, belong to God. Not only is He our maker and creator, but when we ran away and sold ourselves, He purchased us back at the highest price. (1 Corinthians 6:20)

Think of the patient love of Hosea, the prophet who married (and loved) an adulterous woman. He loves her despite her gallivanting and gives her gifts she will attribute to her lovers, all as a living picture of how we treat our Great Love.

God is jealous because of His incredible love for us. He bankrupted heaven to buy back His greatest love in order to have a relationship with us. Yes, He is jealous for our time and our affection. His greatest desire is not that we serve Him, but that we would love and adore Him. If anyone on earth were to invest this much care and resource to show their affection to us, we would blush with humility and be won over by such steadfastness.

Will we give ourselves fully to returning such affection today? This will lead to blessing, fulfillment, peace, and joy. It is the very thing we were designed for.


PS - Did you hear about our Zoning Application? Get all the details here. If you have any questions, we're hosting a Q&A on Sunday night after Deep Roots (7:30pm).

This Sunday...

Our outbound message is called Gifted:

"I will be preaching on the spiritual gifts in preparation for 5th Sunday (which will be so much fun). Let's explore together what it means to be gifted and what potential it holds. See you then." - Bjorn

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.


Zoning Application... and why it matters!

Dear Freedom Church Family and Neighbours,

In mid-August, we submitted a zoning application to the City of Kitchener. Sound boring? Well, yeah, the paperwork wasn't all that fun to do! But it represents a significant way that we are setting Freedom Church up for the future. 

Essentially we're just changing our Agricultural (A-1) zoning to Institutional (I-1), which makes total sense. But there are a few other things that we've taken the opportunity to do while we were at it, most significantly, adding a Residential (R-6) zone to the south of the property... and a little triangle to the east.

It's kind of a lot of information so we've put together the story of how we got here and what it means for the future in a nifty little package. (Click on the "Learn More" button on the right.) Take a few minutes and give it a read. I think you'll see why we're excited for what God's doing here at 1643 Bleams Road!

In Christ,

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Tracy Dunham
Lead Pastor