A Few of Our Favourite Things: Second Instalment (summer series | staff picks)

Pastor Erin’s Pick: Scripture Memory

I am tempted to start this devotional off with excuses. Here is why I’m not great at . . . But I know that they would just be excuses designed to cover up the real issue: a lack of effort and discipline on my part.

Instead of excuses, I’ll start with honesty. I’m not great a scripture memory because I haven’t always put in the effort and focus it needs.  

Our email devotionals over the summer are about some of our favourite things that have helped us grow spiritually. I am working on memorizing scripture. Psalm 119:11 is my reminder and motivator in this journey: "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

I want to know the Word of God, study it, apply it and have it hidden deep in my heart so that it is the divining rod of my life. It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

I’ve recently discovered there are apps to help with Bible memorization. I like Verse Locker and my favourite feature is ‘Words’ which gives you a choice of five words and you select what comes next in the verse you are working to memorize. It is super helpful!

There are quite a few Bible memorization apps. Go ahead and do a search in your app store. There is likely one that can give you the boost you need to keep going!

An app is not going to do the work for you, of course. It’s a tool that can help you move in the right direction. There is no 100% right way to memorize scripture and you can’t fail if you are putting in the effort.

Here are some techniques that can help us be more effective:

  • Make it a song.

  • Write it on flashcards.

  • Post it places you’ll see it often.

  • Listen to it on repeat on the Bible App

  • Try a Bible Memorization App.

  • Research and understand the context.

  • Memorize chunks together in context so it flows like a story.

  • Tell someone for accountability or do it with a friend.

  • Set realistic goals. One scripture a month is doable you’ll have 12 new verses at the end of the year!

No matter how you work to increase scripture memorization, be gracious with yourself. Sometimes it will come easily, other times it’ll feel like a grind. Keep at it and remember what Psalms 119:11 says - as we hid God’s word in our hearts it helps us avoid sinful patterns and behaviours. That is well worth the effort.

Pastor Erin


SUNDAY, JULY 16 @ 10am
The Power of Friendship
Erin Jamieson


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

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