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Our messages are available on our YouTube channel. Click here or below to watch.
THE PASSION: Follow the events of Jesus’ last week on earth before His crucifixion and resurrection. What was He doing and what does it teach us
THE DISCIPLE: What is a disciple of Jesus, how do they know what do do and where do they get the ability to do it?
RECONSTRUCTION: There are a lot of questions about the Christian faith. In this series, explore some of the most common.
THE NEVER-ENDING STORY: How to understand the Bible as one big story that shows who God is and points us to Jesus.
(YOUR) WORLD PEACE: How do we find peace in an angry, driven, noisy, filtered, and fearful world? John 14:27 points to the answer.
FREE YOUR MIND: All about the battle for your mind and how you can fight and win. (from 2 Corinthians 10:3-5)