Do You Have Scripture in Your Home? (we want to see it!)

As you know, I am absolutely not against making the Word of God prominent in your home. In Deuteronomy 6:9, the Israelites are told to take the commandments of God and impress them on their children, talk about them everywhere, all the time, tie them as symbols on their hands, bind them to their foreheads and write them on the doorframes of their houses and gates. I would way rather you have a sign in your house that says, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,” than “Live Your Best Life”. 

So, let’s be clear that we’re not poo-pooing that. 

In fact, let’s see a few of these signs that you have in your homes, Freedom. To launch our new series on Sunday, In Context, I need some photos of the scriptures you have posted around your home! It can be a letter board, a framed piece of art, a sticky note on your mirror... whatever! Just email me ( and attach your photo. (I'll even enter your name into a draw for a prize if you help me out with this!) I'll be using these photos on Sunday morning.

I want to create a “yes/and” out of this idea. Yes, let’s write the Word on the doorframes of our homes and let’s learn a little more about where these verses came from.

Why? Because I believe that the context will actually make these richer and deeper. If we zoom out from these verses, I would argue that we are going to find even more light and life than we realized was there.

I can't wait to dig into these scriptures and to see your photos!

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, JUNE 4 @ 10am
Jeremiah 29:11
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

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