We start our fall series this Sunday. I think that you will find it quite enlightening and encouraging. Whether you are relatively new to Freedom church or have been around for a long time, these messages are intended to highlight some of the unique characteristics and focuses of Pentecostalism that you can experience.
In a lot of ways, Pentecostals are like many other churches in our community. We share the same core beliefs about God, the Bible, prayer, missions and ministry. We sing similar songs, provide comparable programs and teach how to grow our faith using familiar methods and content.
So how is Pentecostal different? What are the distinctives that identify us? Does it really matter?
This series is designed to answer these questions. I hope we are able to show you what being Pentecostal is and what it isn’t. There are a lot of misconceptions about Pentecostals both from outsiders and insiders that we will address by teaching what we actually do believe and practice.
I have a real advantage in this undertaking. Having been a Pentecostal all of my life, I have seen first hand the progression of our movement in so many ways. From humble beginnings just over a hundred years ago to a global influence today, Spirit-filled believers of all ages are making huge contributions to the ministry of the gospel.
This Sunday I will introduce the series by tracing our history to show that we as Pentecostals are rooted in renewal. We believe that we can track our heritage all the way back to Jerusalem in the upper room two thousand years ago where 120 spiritually hungry followers of Jesus received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Read Acts 1 & 2 over the next few days in preparation for Sunday. Notice that Jesus is the focus of the message and the Holy Spirit maximizes the church through supernatural means.
I’m looking forward to meeting with you again on Sunday for worship, witness and the word. Come expecting to receive God’s good gifts as you surrender yourself to him in prayer and praise.
Pastor Del