Last Sunday we got off to a good start in our new series ‘Pentecostal’. It was interesting to see how many of you were not from Pentecostal backgrounds. My guess is that you find the Holy Spirit drawing you into a deeper experience with Christ and you want everything God has for you.
Those of us who are long-time Pentecostals are just as spiritually hungry for more of God. We recognize that Jesus has called us to follow him daily and to serve him by ministering to others for him, both in the church and in the world around us. To be successful Christ followers, we need supernatural help at all times. And that is precisely what we realize is available to us through the Holy Spirit at work in us.
I started last week with a bit of a history lesson, highlighting our roots of Pentecostalism, from the book of Acts up through the past hundred and twenty years in Canada and around the globe. The point is that we are rooted in renewal. We were and are dedicated followers of Jesus asking God for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power for spiritual growth and kingdom impact.
Pentecostals are generally known for our emphasis on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This Sunday I will focus on something else that is very important to us. We are Bible-based in our beliefs. This is fundamental to everything we are and do. We place a high regard for the Scriptures and treat them as God’s clear and personal revelation of himself to us.
In our day, the Bible is ignored for the most part by society as the primary guide for lifestyle and morals. Even the church is being pressured to downplay the Bible’s significance and veracity. As Pentecostals, we believe that the Bible is divinely inspired and is indispensable for growing in truth, faith and service.
When you go to our website (, you will find what we believe on the home page. This is our condensed version, the basics of our core beliefs as a church. For an expanded version, you can go to the PAOC website ( and find it by clicking on ‘PAOC Family’ and then ‘What We Believe’. There you will find the Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths document that has Scripture references supporting each point. Check these out if you get time.
To prepare for this Sunday, read these Scriptures and consider what they teach us:
· John 15:26; 16:7,8,13,14 – The Holy Spirit’s role in guiding us
· 2 Timothy 3:16,17 – The divine nature of the Bible and its usefulness for us
· 2 Timothy 2:15 – The effort required to be Biblically effective in life and ministry
Come this Sunday once again expecting to meet with God in a special way. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh with his presence and power so that you can be and do all that Jesus has in store for you and his church.
Pastor Del