Hidden Treasures: Zechariah (Freedom Devotional - July 21)

I remember reading the Old Testament in Sunday School or hearing my youth pastor preach from it at Youth Group. I always felt like it was disconnected from the New Testament... what does 2 Chronicles have to do with Paul's letter to the church in Galatia (Galatians)? One of the great things about being older and studying the bible for myself has been the realization and deeply held understanding that God is God. He never changes and His story is His story. He is revealed throughout scripture and He invites us to get to know Him.

I've been approaching the Prophets with that same wonder. What used to seem like doomsday warnings to "stiff-necked people" is proving to hold so much more as I camp out there. Zechariah, just like Haggai from Erin's message last week, was speaking for God during the time of rebuilding. What is encouraging is how God's words to His people came at the right time, in the right season and enabled them to do what He had for them to do. 

I invite you to read through Zechariah 3 before we meet together on Sunday. See if there is anything that speaks to your heart and look for Jesus. (**SPOILER ALERT** He's there!)

See you Sunday,

P. Tracy

Hidden Treasures: Haggai... Serve the Lord First

Me first!  No, you went first last time!  You are always first, I'm always last!

Sound familiar to any of you that are parents or spend time with young kids?  This is the constant sound in my house when asked to do something or come get something.  It's absolutely maddening and as we are only in the second week of summer vacation, I can only imagine the frustration levels for parents and care givers will increase as the summer goes on and the race to be first continues.

It can be so absolutely frustrating listening to people fight over who is first, or who's need is the most important and I think, how does God do it? How does He listen to our prayers all day long, with each of us desperately declaring our needs as the most important?

This week we will be looking at the book of Haggai, a small book but with a really great theme of who or what is first in our lives. Have you thought about that lately? Who is first?What things are the most important to you, that you prioritize over everything else? We are going to look at how things worked out for Judah when they put their needs above everything else.  **Spoiler alert** It didn't work out very well.

Spend some time this week asking God to help you sort out your priorities so that He is first and foremost in every area of your life. I promise it will be worth it!

See you Sunday,



Godly Influence... Thanks Mom! (Freedom Devotional - May 6)

When Mother's Day rolls around each year, we usually find ourselves thinking about how much our moms have taught us, how they've sacrificed for us and how unconditional their love is. These things are definitely true of my mom (love you, Mom!) but now that I'm a mom my perspective is changing and my gratitude is growing. I'm not only thankful the the selfless ways that my mom gave (gives) to our family, I'm thankful for being raised in her home. She created a culture in our house of Christ-first living that was centred on godly wisdom. 

That's the legacy of great moms - not what they did but how they influenced their kids to know God and to make Him known. 

And, of course, this role isn't only given to moms. It's for all of us. It's not only given to parents, either. All of us have the privilege and responsibility to spend our lives influencing the world for Christ. Those who do - men, women, children, young old - are the people that are worth turning our attention to as we run our race day by day.

Jeremy Feller (I mean, Dr. Feller - he just completed his PhD in Theology) is one of those people that Rob and I intentionally allow to influence our hearts and minds. He is consistently pouring his life into the people of Ethiopia and we never cease to be amazed at what God is doing through him and his wife Teresa. When he shares with us on Sunday I know that you'll be challenged and encouraged.

"You are the light of the world. A town build on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house." (Matthew 5:14-15)

See you on Sunday,

P. Tracy