There’s a Reason!
We have been focusing this month on why our faith in Jesus is reasonable, why it makes sense, why we make such a big deal about it.
To the unbelieving world around us, we are to be pitied for believing in someone we can’t see, staking our lives on the promises he has made to us. But what do we know deep down that the world doesn’t?
As global events unfold there is growing fear that maybe things aren’t going to get better, that perhaps peace among nations isn’t possible, that economies and governments are on the brink of collapse, that the earth is going to burn up and flood at the same time due to greenhouse emissions. So many things to worry about. And yes, the world is worried.
So why do you and I look at what’s happening all around us with a knowing glance instead, aware of the frailties and frustrations of humanity, and act like there is hope because of who we are and where we’re going? Why aren’t we worried about how things are going to turn out?
Why? We know Jesus. We have been changed. We have a new identity as children of God, we approach each day as overcomers instead of the self-defeated, and we have hearts that used to be cold but now are full of God’s love. Life that good isn’t something to be pitied – it’s something to pursue.
There’s a reason we join together each year on Good Friday to honour the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. He took our place and paid the debt of our sins so that we could be free and clear of guilt and shame and condemnation. Because of Jesus, we are forgiven by God and are adopted into his spiritual family.
And there’s a reason we gather each year on Easter Sunday to celebrate the indisputable fact that Jesus rose from the dead. In so doing, Jesus defeated death for you and me so that we will one day rise to be with Jesus to live forever. That’s why we have hope beyond this present life which is only temporary. Because of Jesus we have a future that is totally secure, paid for by Christ himself on our behalf.
Who gets to enjoy living like this? Anyone who believes and confesses that Jesus is God’s son, that he died as a sacrifice for our sins, that he rose from the dead and that he lives forever as Lord of all. Anyone…. that’s the good news of Easter.
Join me and the Freedom family this Friday and Sunday to celebrate Jesus. If anyone asks you why you make a big deal about all of this, tell them there’s a reason.
Pastor Del