Q & ... R? (equipping to engage)

You've got questions, we've got... responses.

Pastor Del kicked off our series last Sunday with the question: How do I talk to God? He had a great response. (If you missed it, you can always listen/watch here.)

And this is the vibe of our whole Q&R series. We've tried to identify some of the questions you might have or might be asked by others so that we can talk about them together. On Sundays, you'll hear thoughtful responses to the questions:

  • Does science disprove Christianity?

  • Is the Bible full of contradictions?

  • Do all religions lead to God?

  • Is hell real?

  • Why do Christians change their minds on social issues?

You might be wondering, why not Q&A? Don't we have answers? Isn't the Bible a book of absolute truth? And yes, to quote our Statement of Essential Truths: "The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the written revelation of God’s character and saving purposes for humanity and for all creation. As God’s revelation, the entire Bible is true and trustworthy, and is the final and absolute authority for belief and conduct. The Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible enables its interpretation and application.

We know, however, that we are not perfect. We are only human, applying ourselves to learning about and growing in our relationship with God. We are in process, and so we have to be humble enough to know that we haven't figured it all out yet.

Our Pastoral Team wants you to be equipped with great responses to these questions. We don't want you to be intimidated to talk with a friend and confidently respond with what the scripture says about these topics. We want you to be able to humbly share what you've discovered and invite others into conversations about these topics that have the potential to point people to Jesus and lead to life transformation in Him.

And so, Q&R. Let's ask some questions and deeply consider our responses so that we can engage the world (and our own hearts) for Christ.

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, APRIL 14 @ 10am

Q&R: Question and Response
Does Science Disprove Christianity?
Pastor Erin


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

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