A Few of Our Favourite Things: Final Instalment (summer series | staff picks)

We're looking forward to hearing from Scott Corkill on Sunday morning! I asked him to do the final instalment of our summer devotional series and he graciously agreed. Join us on Sunday morning to hear his message about grace and enjoy his recommendation below. - Pastor Tracy


I rushed past it without noticing it more than once.

It was only recently that I actually slowed down enough to read it… but, more than that, to think about the language that is used and the important message that is communicated through it.

Do you know the stated mission of Freedom in Christ?

It’s ok if you don’t… like I said… I rushed by it numerous times before noticing and taking some time to think about it.

The stated mission of Freedom in Christ is…

“To equip people to live a Christ-centered life through daily transformation."

I really appreciate the thoughtfulness and depth of this mission (not to mention its honesty!). From my experience, the importance of “daily transformation” cannot be overstated! I know we all love those “miracle moments” when God just does a deep and significant miracle work in a moment of time… but the reality is, we are being formed more deeply through our daily habits and routines than we often imagine.

Over the past couple of years of my life, Lectio 365 has been a welcome addition to my daily routine in helping encourage this work of “daily transformation”. The title of the app, “Lectio 365,” is taken from an ancient Christian tradition called lectio divina (Latin for “divine reading”).

Every day the app provides a reading from the Psalms to rejoice in, as well as a reading from the Bible through which the reader is invited to take time to pause, reflect on the Scripture, ask what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about this passage, and yield in obedience to what God is speaking to you through His Word.

The user can scroll through the readings at their own pace, or they can hit the “play” button to hear the readings and prayers read out loud for them (with pauses to add your own thoughts and prayers).

The app has also recently added a “night” option as well. I find it a very helpful tool to use at the end of my day… to take time to review my day and notice where God was at work in my life, and when God was speaking to me. It also helps us to review those moments of our day where we need to ask forgiveness and rejoice in God’s great mercy and forgiveness!

It’s a free app… you’ve got nothing to lose (and daily transformation to gain!)

Hope to see you this Sunday!



Grace Goes Further Than Forgiveness
Scott Corkill


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.