Losing and Finding Identity (an essay by a grade eleven student)

As we get ready for 5th Sunday (Youth Takeover!), I was privileged to read another essay from one of our students, Vaughn. He is in grade eleven and, like the essay I shared from Sloane a few weeks ago, was also tasked with writing about his identity. Again, I was so encouraged and asked Vaughn's permission to share a few paragraphs from what he wrote.

As we get ready to finish our (In)Secure series, I can't tell you how important it is that everyone, especially the next generation, get a firm grip on who they are in Christ. Hearing how the Holy Spirit is working in our students gives me so much hope for the church!

Pastor Tracy


By Vaughn Jamieson

Identity is a series of characteristics that come together to form what a person is or is not; this is a vague definition of identity since identity can be interpreted differently depending on who you ask. My identity resides in Christianity. Christianity is a religious belief in one God. The ideologies of Christianity can be found in a series of books and letters that tell a story of God's people, called The Bible. In this world, not all Identities go hand in hand. For example, my identity clashed with my religious beliefs, and this caused my identity to fall apart; I was left with hurt and depression, but eventually, I found hope and healing through my religious identity. 

During the beginning of my tenth-grade year in high school, I met a group of roughly twenty people, who did not have faith in any religion, which they displayed in their day-to-day life. After a couple of months of building relationships and spending time with these friends, I would come to adopt their habits. During this time, I was less aware of the sins I was committing thus drifting me away from my religious identity. I was walking by sight and not by faith, essentially stopping any growth in my religious beliefs. Though I was attending church, I didn't have a desire to pursue my beliefs. I had a false sense of security and happiness that I didn't understand at the time.

In Matthew 7:24-26 it says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” (NIV Bible, Matthew 7.24-26). This passage is a metaphor for your lifestyle and identity; this is because the rock stands for Christ and the house is your identity, regardless of what is going on such as the storms in your life. As long, as you are planted firmly on the foundations of Christ and his teachings, your house won't crumble. [When I was spiritually confused], I wasn't sure where to get back into my faith. I ended up finding the Forest Fellowship Club (FF) at school through a friend. As soon as I entered the room, I felt a sense of belonging; this moment would kickstart the healing process.

As time went on, I found myself praying during my quiet times at work just telling God what was happening in my life. I found that this helped me form an identity in Christ because I was able to lean on Him by discussing my life and emotions. Other parts of healing consisted of asking questions and rebuilding my faith with what pieces I had left over. I began to think about what I was singing during worship. Digging into the lyrics, I had powerful moments where I felt comfort, love, and a strong Identity in my faith. I would also consistently write down these thoughts in a journal. Praying, worshiping, and journaling helped me grow to where I am.

As of right now, I feel as if I have a purpose and I feel happy and content in my circumstances because I know my identity in Christ is firm. I continue to seek out and build on my religious identity through the Word. My identity is planted in Christ and I choose to dig my roots into the rich Word of God. I use that to bud beautiful flowers expressing outwardly to my friends that I am not ashamed of my identity. Throughout my experiences, I learned a lot about myself and about my religion. Now is the practical application of those teachings in my life which in time can hopefully be shared with those around me. I know I have come a long way from being broken and lost, to growth and healing; I have found my Identity. From being left in the dark, finding my identity again and where I am now has been a journey that has shaped me. Without God, I would not be here today and I thank him for everything.



I Can Fight


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

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