When you read a good novel you feel yourself being drawn into the story, picturing the events being described and anticipating what’s coming next. We sometimes refer to books like this as page turners, having your finger on the next page ready for what’s coming next.
Revelation is a real page turner and it’s not just a well written piece of fiction – it’s real. God has chosen this means of communication to show us what’s coming. The first chapter is an introduction that sets the stage for the whole narrative. The next two chapters describe Jesus’ assessment of what’s happening in churches and the people in them and what needs to change to be spiritually alive and effective.
As you get to chapters four and five you get the growing sense that something big is about to happen. I encourage you to read these Scriptures over the next few days and enter into the drama that unfolds. It is a breathtaking view of heaven during the final moments before the world gets hit with unprecedented catastrophe. Notice the focus on the scroll with seven seals and the interaction of the heavenly beings looking for a qualified candidate to take and open the seals.
As you read this, it is somewhat like being taken back stage just before the curtains to a play or concert are pulled back for the presentation to begin. The anticipation of the actors or musicians is electric and increasing. Final preparations are being made and then the moment for the program to begin arrives. There’s no turning back.
In a real way, that’s where we are today. Preparations are being finalized in heaven right before the time of judgment begins. The tribulation period of seven years is ready to start at any time and there will be no turning back after it gets going.
This Sunday I will speak to you about all of this and what it means for us as Christ followers. I believe that those of us who are ready to meet Jesus will do so just before the tribulation on earth gets underway and we will have a heavenly vantage point to view the proceedings as they unfold. We call this the rapture of the church and it is something that you don’t want to miss being part of.
Remember to bring your chart with the timeline of end time events and outline of Revelation with you. Also, let us know if you have questions about Revelation by going to our website and clicking on the link to email us. And finally, CP1 on Wednesdays is another great opportunity to go deeper in what we are learning by discussing all of this with others just like you in a small group.
I look forward to meeting with you Sunday for another great time of worshipping God and connecting with each other.
Pastor Del