Ready to Meet Jesus - Be An Overcomer (Freedom Devotional - January 28)

Last Sunday we began our series on the book of Revelation. If you were there you received a handout with a chart on both sides. The one is a timeline of end time events so that you can see where we are today and what is just ahead of us. The other one gives an overview of the major sections of Revelation and the chapters in them. Use these charts as you work your way through your study and bring them with you each week. We have extras if you need one

Chapter 1 reveals that the focus of Revelation is Jesus. He is pictured as the awesome one standing among his churches. That is meant to encourage us by the proximity of his presence and also to challenge us to keep his closeness in mind at all times to influence our conduct to be godly

We will take a closer look at Jesus' relationship to his churches on Sunday. Chapters 2 & 3 record what Jesus has to say to each of the 7 churches named in Chapter 1 that John would send the finished copy of Revelation to. These are actual churches at the time and Jesus speaks specifically to their spiritual condition. Collectively, they represent the church as a whole throughout the ages including today and the messages are still relevant to us.

As you read through these two chapters in preparation for Sunday, take note of the things that Jesus approves of, those things he doesn't, what needs to be done to correct the problem, and what happens if the people make the changes or if they don't

Let me remind you that the time is close for Jesus to set the last events of human history in motion. You and I as followers of Christ are the church that he is talking to in these messages. It is imperative that we all have our spiritual lives in order by doing what Jesus tells us to do. We need to be ready to meet Jesus at any moment. Time is also running out for us to get this message to those who aren't ready

I invite you to join me Sunday morning for this message on being a spiritual overcomer and then again Sunday evening for Deep Roots. That is our monthly time of corporate prayer and we will be asking God for his supernatural intervention to enable us to expand the work of his kingdom together


Pastor Del