Praying is something you learn to do early on in your Christian life. It is one of the first things new believers are instructed to incorporate into their daily living in order to mature in their faith. The longer you practice praying the more it becomes part of you. Like breathing air keeps us alive physically, praying sustains us spiritually.
The Bible is a book of prayer from cover to cover. People communicating with God and God communicating with people is such a big part of the story of God’s Word. In fact, God has created every human being with both the desire and the capacity to pray. It does however, require faith to pray. You can’t see God but you believe God exists and that he will respond to you when you reach out to him.
It is always a good idea to pray about anything and everything. It is vital for us to stay connected with God by including him in each situation that we face. By doing so we get to know God more, we exercise our faith regularly, we experience miraculous interventions and we develop our spiritual attitudes and aptitudes.
This Sunday I will be digging deeper into prayer, particularly about praying with greater confidence and anticipation. As Pentecostals we recognize that the Holy Spirit can play a pivotal role in what and how we pray. The empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in us gives us supernatural boldness to ask God for the greater things Jesus promised.
All of us have long lists of needs to take to the Lord, don’t we? Some of the things seem straight forward while other things are not. The Holy Spirit in us helps us with all of our prayers. He gives us increased confidence to go to God with our requests, both those that we know how and what to ask for and those that we don’t know even how to start.
Over the next few days, read through Ephesians 6:10-20. As you do, think about what this passage teaches about how to prepare yourself to pray, what is happening when you pray, when you should pray in the Spirit and who you should remember to pray for.
I trust that you are enjoying our fall series about living and serving empowered by the Holy Spirit. Let me encourage you to stay open and available for all that God has for your life every day. Together, let us ask God to do above and beyond anything we could even think to ask of him so that his kingdom will grow through the transforming of lives.
Pastor Del