There is a growing desire in so many of you for more of God. Each week there is increasing evidence of the Holy Spirit at work in us and through us. Certainly as we gather together Sundays and Wednesdays, but also as we go about our business throughout each day.
Our Pentecostal series has been highlighting various aspects of what the Holy Spirit has made available to us to help us to mature spiritually and to minister supernaturally both as individuals and as a church family. There is so much that God has for us to experience as we seek him daily with our whole hearts.
It is truly amazing to be blessed and favoured by God like this. We should always be overflowing with thanks to God and joy within because of it. However, the Lord expects us not to keep this spiritual abundance to ourselves, but to share it with others.
Jesus has commanded every one of us as his followers to go out into the world in which we live, and act like his ambassadors. We have been given the mandate to talk to people about Jesus and show them what transformed living looks like. We are to be prepared always to lead people to faith in Christ and help them to grow as disciples.
For most of us, this is a big challenge. We lack confidence in ourselves to get this right. The world is full of unbelief and is generally resistant to the gospel of Christ. It is not natural for us to speak up in a hostile environment about the truth about Jesus that is the only way for anyone to be truly free.
Jesus already knows this about us and has provided the means to obey his commands. The followers of Christ right after his death and resurrection were just like us. They loved Jesus and wanted to continue on his work but they were fearful and weak. Peter is a good example of this dilemma. He had the want to, but he didn’t have the how to.
The day of Pentecost changed this not only for Peter but for every born again believer in Christ who would ask God for more. The gift of the Holy Spirit and power was poured out on the 120 in the upper room and they became bold and faithful witnesses for Christ from that day forward.
This Sunday I will be speaking about the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the special experience Jesus has promised for his followers to be supernaturally empowered witnesses for him. Come with an open and surrendered heart to hear and receive everything God has for you.
Pastor Del