Ever wonder what God's will is for your life? Well, I don't know if you should take this job or that one. I don't know what ministry opportunity you should be saying yes to or what Bible reading plan you should be following right now. The specifics are something we learn to trust God for daily as we listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit leading us.
But here's what I know God wants for me today...
"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NLT)
So this is me, living out God's will for my life in this very moment. There is no mystery to this, I choose to practice joy, prayer and gratitude... and I ask for help to remember to keep the posture of my heart focused on these things as I go through my day.
Want to join me? What are you grateful for today? Start there... I always find that gratitude leads to worship and prayer and a heart that is so much more inclined toward joy.
Our Freedom Team at the Williamsburg Community Festival this past Sunday. Way to go, everyone!
This week I've been thinking of how thankful I am for the group of ladies who showed up last week with cleaning cloths and got our Freedom Community Centre ready to welcome students to our FCC programs tonight. We didn't take any photos or publish any names... these women just showed up in the 30+ degree heat and made it happen.
I've been thinking about the team who donned bright green t-shirts on Sunday and played Plinko with our neighbours and gave out prizes, who had conversations about our church and connected with new families. And then there were the Freedom Youth who showed the kids in Williamsburg how to play 9-Square-in-the-Air for hours at a time. So thankful.
And I've been thinking about the people who have been preparing to lead CP1 groups, Encounters and a retreat for Frontline, Sunday School teachers who have committed to another year of investing in our Freedom kids and everyone else who chooses to make the time to impact others. Yeah... how could I not be grateful?
Let's live out God's will for us today. I'm filling my heart with gratitude. Will you join me?
See you Sunday,
Pastor Tracy
This Sunday
Being Blessed
Join us on Sunday at 10am as Bjorn kicks off our fall series.