Drive In & Check Your Gauges (it's 5th Sunday!)

Rob has a very consistent habit of resetting the trip odometer in the vehicle every time we fill up the tank. The idea is that every week or two we can do a check in to see how the gas mileage compares to the last few weeks and over the long haul. I'm told that if your mileage is getting worse it can point to an issue that you need to have looked at: tire pressure, air filter, fuel system... and a bunch of other things that came up when I Googled it.

We're using our 5th Sunday services to act like a bit of a trip odometer this year. We started in January by creating a Life Transformation Goals for 2021 and lots of you took the opportunity to download and fill out the form. If you did, it's time to pull it out, look at where you're at, make any adjustments that the Lord is leading you to and pray about where you'd like to be by the time our next 5th Sunday rolls around (August!).

If you haven't started using this resource, it's available to you any time at

It's not about perfection, it's about intentionally investing in your discipleship this year.

And to push the mileage analogy even further... we're having a DRIVE-IN SERVICE on Sunday!!! We're so excited!

Here's what you need to know:

  • Come a few minutes before 10:00 to get parked and settled.

  • The Host Team will meet you in the driveway with a special kit for your car and will let you know where to park.

  • Please stay in your vehicle while you're on the property.

  • Once you're parked, take a look a the fun stuff in your car kit!

  • The service will be about 30 minutes in length.

  • The Host Team will assist in dismissing vehicles from the parking lot in an orderly way.

We can't wait to see you!

If you can't be with us, we will still be livestreaming the service on Facebook Live as usual and you can join us from home.

Let's drive in and check our gauges this weekend! (Too far?? LOL!)
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

In Common

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.