I am writing this devotional a few weeks ahead of when you'll see it. The only reason that matters is because it's still February on the calendar but I'm thinking about March 14th. The Weather Network says that the weeks between the writing and publishing of these words will mark the last furious days of winter and a sudden transition to spring. Is it possible that a warm breeze will be blowing and birds will start to tentatively chirp when you open this email?
I'm thinking about March 14th and what spring feels like when it arrives because it's no secret that I'm not a fan of winter. I'm over it by December 26th when it's less than an official week old. What I am a big fan of is seasons. I love living in this part of Canada where we have four distinct seasons. No matter what season you are in, it won't last forever. Maybe you are lamenting the melting of the snow. (You are strange but I choose to love you anyway.) Don't worry, it will be back. It's just a matter of the seasons changing again.
This concept, as it is played out so beautifully in nature, is very encouraging to me. Our lives are not one-dimensional, they are not a single chord sustaining. They are ever-changing and as surprising as they are routine. I love the way that God has made us; not to remain stagnate or stuck, but to move toward what's next. We are shown in nature the beauty of this momentum, a picture of us continually moving through our lives, sojourners on our way from season to season until we see Him face to face.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens... He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
So let's take a cue from nature as we (hopefully!) watch the season change around us over these next days (weeks?). There will be seasons of new life, seasons of intense heat, seasons of refreshing, and seasons of quiet waiting in our walk with Christ. He is with us through each and every one and has ordered your steps through every season... even if it's not your favourite one.
Looking forward to spring,
Pastor Tracy
This Sunday
”I AM the Light of the World”
Join us on Sunday at 10am as Bjorn continues in our series.